@misc{oai:luke.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002125, author = {小林, 知子 and Kobayashi, Tomoko}, month = {2021-09-15}, note = {2019, Objective: The England population is steadily gaining weight. This study examines: trends in obesity prevalence in England since World War II, and identifies cohort patterns in: obesity prevalence.: Methods: 25 years of Health Survey of England (HSE) data from 1991 to 2015 were: used. Participants from 16-74 years of age with a valid weight and height were included. A: heatmap was used to visualize the obesity prevalence in 5-year age groups for every survey: year. Data was divided into seven birth-cohort groups and trends in obesity prevalence overtime: between these cohorts were compared. Logistic regression was conducted for survey: year, age group, and interaction with age-group and survey year to estimate the cohort effect.: All analyses were conducted separately per gender.: Results: The birth cohort graph for men showed a divide in 1960 and 1961 where: different obesity patterns was observed for people born before 1960 which implied a cohort: effect before 1960. However, the logistic regression showed no statistical significance in the: period and age interaction (cohort effect) in all age groups. In women the logistic regression: iii: result showed that women in the 55-64 year age group (born between 1927-1960) had a: statistically significant age interaction, indicating that women born after 1960 were becoming: obese at a greater rate than women born before this year.: Conclusion: For men, no statistical significant difference in obesity trend was observed: in any particular generation which suggests a constant increase in calorie intake overtime: (period effect). But for women, a different obesity pattern was observed in women born prior: to 1960. Patterns of increasing obesity in the UK have been fixed for a very long period of: time in both men and women, suggesting that the phenomenon of increasing obesity is linked: to a long period of excessive calorie intake rather than rapid changes in diet over the recent: past.}, title = {Trends in obesity prevalence and its risk factors in England from the Health Survey for England, 1991-2015}, year = {}, yomi = {コバヤシ, トモコ} }